Well to first catch everyone up to speed. We are moved. I know it was quick but everything
just kinda fell into place and we went with it. Not to say that it wasn't crazy, but we made it and that is all the counts. Our apartment is nice but small. We realized very quickly that we would need a storage unit, and
alot of creative shoving to get all our stuff to fit. we only have one box
left to unpack so we did good in that aspect. Its
just that I now need to go back and
reorganize everything to get it all to fit with out looking to cluttered. So still lot of work to do.
Now on to the title of the blog. Holy cow do the girls have weird big hair here. I went to
enrichment to night and the relief society
president had big hair just
poofed and sprayed to perfection. Her side burns were dyed a bright violet purple. she is in her 40-50 and was dressed regular, but her hair was just so very bad. I have seen big hair before But
rexburg definitely takes the prize.
On to bugs they are huge, the 2
ND night we were here we
had the biggest
beattle cock roach this i
have ever seen it was like 2 inches long and
like and inch wide. Gross and the spiders here are huge and
poisnous. I hate bugs.
And let me just say babies, babies
galour. everyone here is
pregnant or
has a new born or has
like 4 little kids. And i am
wondering what the
car seat, seat belt laws are here. I
have seen a few family with 3-4 kids all in a little 4 door car. No one has a minivan, its all trucks and little cars. and they
just pile the kids in. So unsafe.
All right well I promise that I will get some pictures of the place and get them posted.so you can see how creative I have really had to be!!