Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'm a Proud Big Sister!!!

Let me just start out by saying , I feel old, All of my younger siblings are having major things going on in their lives and I am so happy for them but it also makes me realize just how old I am getting. Here is a picture of me and my siblings its kind of random but its all I got!!

I'll start with my youngest sister April. She is graduating high school in 2 weeks and I just can't believe it. I am so proud of her and I can't wait for her to get here and to start college and the next step in her life. Way to go Apes!!! I love you

Next up is my Brother Jordan, He has found the perfect girl and they are getting married in august. I/we love Natalie. And we are so excited to have her in our family and for them to start their life together. It has been fun to be here while their relationship has developed and to see things fall into place. We love you guys!!!
My brother Brian Joined the National Guard and he has just finished boot camp, where he was one of the top of his class , and he received the Sniper award. Basically the best shot. He is now at firefighting training. I am so proud of him, I wish I could of been at his graduation from boot camp. I hear it was amazing. But nonetheless I am so proud of him and can't wait to see what Heavenly Father has in store for him. We love you Brian.
Next of course is my sister Laura. I bet you thought I would leave you out, but no way. She also has a big summer coming up, her and Ben are in charge of youth conference for their whole stake. I also know that she is surviving 2 kids, one of which is climbing, chasing, getting into things little boy. On top of all of that she is in the relief society presidency. Man oh man I don't think I could handle it all, but she is and she seems to be doing a very good job. I wish I were closer and your kids could camp out at my house for the next month. Anyways good luck , and I love you.

I don't think I could write about all my siblings and then not say anything about my parents. I don't know how they do it all but they do. And they are always so on the ball. My mom always does such a nice job at everything. And my both my mom and dad are the best support to us all. I love you guys. Thanks for all you do for us.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


We, our family, have a lot to be thankful for lately. The Lord has once again taken care of us. Colin got a new job. His last job was ok, it did the job while it needed to. But this job is so much better. He now works for the city, which is of course is a government job so we get all the benefits. That is right we have full health and dental benefits ( what a relief, no more byu insurance, that was a joke). Plus he doubled his pay check which is such a bonus!! I am just so thankful for a husband who is willing to do what ever it takes to take care of his family. My husband is so smart and so good at what he does, that I never doubt if we will have a job or money. He also just makes going to school look like a breeze. I hope all of my kids get his smarts. I am just so thankful that we will be able to do this school thing without having to rely on government assistance, I have heard way to many nightmares. I am thankful for all the perks we have all ready seen with this job ( cell phone,you know in case the mayor needs help with his computer or the fire department or the police department. And early sign up for swimming lessons and then finding out we only have to pay 10 instead of 50). I once heard a quote "the harder you work, the luckier you get". Well Colin has always been such a hard worker, so he deserves all the perks they can give him. I am just so thankful to Heavenly Father for always taking care of us. Things just always seem to fall into place for us. And of course I am so grateful for my Husband, who takes care of us no matter what. And that he is so good at what he does that he was the 1 picked out of 40 applicants. You Rock Babe. I've known that since the moment I met you, but it seems that on a daily basis the rest of he world finds out how good you are too!! And one more thing that I am thankful for, for the first time since we have moved here, Rexburg doesn't seem so horrible. I think we could actually enjoy living here!!

P.S. Sorry if you thought I was bragging, but what is a proud wife/ mother to do? Brag, its my right!