Friday, May 08, 2009


Yesterday was Alexa's first trip to the " hair cut store" as she called it. It was time, I have been trimming her hair for a while now. But her hair is so thin, and stringy and it just wouldn't hold a curl for nothing. So when I went to get my hair cut last week I asked the girl what she suggested to do she had some really good ideas. So last night we went back, Alexa has actually been bugging for it for a while. She was such a big girl, and was so excited. I swear it only took like 10 minutes to cut and it looks so good.

Before- her hair had been in sponge curlers for hours, this was 5 minutes after I took them out.

After, It is almost like she a a-line. it works really well and the lady cut it so it would curl under by itself!! Thank you so much. Now I just need to make sure that one of the hundreds of bows she has will still work in this new do!!!

After wards I told her that I would take her to get an ice cream cone for being so good, but she wanted her "brofers" to come and her daddy, so we picked the up and then off to G's dairy went (the best ice cream ever) What a fun day for a 3 year old!!


Melissa D said...

I love bobs on little girls! So cute!!

Laura Jex said...

so cute! I love your hair! nice highlights!

Lucid Developer said...

How fun. Bailey had a blast when she went to go get her haircut. Yours looks cute too!

Erin said...

sorry that last one was from me i didn't know jeremy was logged in

Deidra Smith said...

cute hair. we finally did about the same thing with Brylee, it works so well on thin hair.

Ryan & Amanda said...

I love it! The back looks so stinkin cute! She is getting so big! You both have such cute haircuts! I love that she wanted her brofers to come with her, they do always make everything more fun!

The Special K's(0: said...

Fun! I totally understand the whisp factor on little girls, cute but unruly. Your daughter totally looks adorable, and so do you! Oh yes, and yeah, Mark's t Lockheed Martin now, and we're in Colorado Springs, thanks for askin'! Thanks for sharing your adorable life! Cute blog! I was gacking over that gack too though, *shudder*. I think we'll ban that here as a precaution also, lol(0;