Wednesday, July 16, 2008

If you ever need a story on Colin....

So in my family we have stories that other family members never forget, and manage to bring up often. Laura has got the " hood up story" Jordan has got "out of the garbage can" story. I have got the "licorice whipping" story. But my husband has not really had a story yet. Until Sunday night. Now you have to understand my reasoning for sharing this story. My husband is the king of teasing people and giving them a hard time. So I thought it is only fair that I share this story for all to enjoy.

On Sunday night we were invited to one of Colin Professor's house for dinner. He teaches one of his computer classes. The whole class( all 12) were invited, but only 5 students showed up with their families. Of course we were the only ones to have more then one kid besides the professor, and his oldest was seven. His professor was a big Microsoft guru. So you can imagine their big beautiful house. His wife was really proper. We had spaghetti and his wife used a spoon to help swirl the spaghetti on to the fork then used both to eat it. After dinner Colin's professor said that we should go outside and see what tricks people can do on the tramp. We all headed out and Colin and another guy were helping the kids on the tramp and helping them jump. I had to go in an change Alexas diaper, she had exploded. So I was gone for a good 5-10 minutes. I got Alexa all cleaned up, and we went back out side. As I got close to the trampoline and Colin I could tell something was off but I was unsure. Until I got closer and could get the full view. Colin had some how managed to split the hem of his jeans from his zipper to his lower thigh. But the bad thing was he had no idea and was still jumping on the tramp showing off his garments to everyone. So when I saw this I was horrified. I mean we are at His professor house. So I told Colin, he looked down said "oh man" and continued to jump. Now if you know my husband then you know that nothing really phases him, or embarrasses him. But I was dying. So I had to tell him to stop jumping and get off, that we needed to go home. At this point I think he came to his senses, and realized he was showing off quite a bit. So as he gets off and we gather our kids I am constantly telling him to pull his shirt down. We went and told his Professor what had happend, then we left. Here are a few pictures after the fact, before we threw theses pants away.
Don't worry people those are his shorts that you can see

So there you go. After all was said and done I think I was more embarrassed then Colin. And when I was asking him how it happened he said that he had done a flip and he heard something rip but he couldn't see anything. Umm, I'm not sure how you missed the big gaping hole but wasn't it a little drafty?? Sorry babe I love you but someone has to give you a hard time every once in awhile!!!


Colin said...

Story well told. I don't think I can add anything else, and I know cori wouldn't forget any of the details! It's times like these that make my life different and entertaining for those around.

I don't remember splitting my pants, but I do remember a tearing sound but didn't see a thing. The worst part was if I made any drastic movements with my legs, for example taking big strides didn't help the situation because the tear in my jeans would just get bigger. So I had to baby step it out of there and into our car so we could go home.
I'm glad the entire world now knows that I split my pants open jumping on the trampoline. I hope you all get a good laugh out of my embarrassing moment.

Laura Jex said...

oh man! Now that I have stopped laughing....
all I keep saying is ohmygosh!
ohmygosh, ohmygosh!

I wish I was there!!!

Erin said...

Well if you need more funny and embarrassing stories you can ask us Bowler's I'm sure we can think of a few good ones! ;)

Mama Bean said...

Hey Cori. This is your cous Lori. I am so glad I found your blog!!! I am addicted. Your kids are growing up, even more then when we saw you in Feb. Good story. Big Ooops!!!

Cori said...

Lori I am so glad you found my blog, but now you need to let me read yours! Please oh please!!! What a fun way to keep in touch!!

Moonmagic said...

Well Mr. Colin it's about time you joined the family. You have to do something really dumb or embarrassing to be official - Welcome we're glad you arrived. This is right up there with the "Hood"!!!