Tuesday, April 24, 2007

2 thumbs down

I know 2 post in one day, I guess this is what happends when you have alot of stuff happening. Today we took Picasso into the pediatric orthopedic. It was something that we hoped we never had to do, but it was time. Picasso 2 little thumbs do not unbend. They are locked, bent at the knuckle. We aren't sure if he was born this way but we noticed it really around 6 months. We have been hoping that they would correct themselves. No such luck. At his 2 year check up his Dr. reffered us to this orthopedic Dr.. Today was our appointment. And our fears were confirmed. My little man needs surgery on both of his thumbs. He has what they call trigger thumbs. This is when they get stuck in one position, and most of the time they lock and unlock at random times . Picasso's never unlock they have stayed in the same position. The Dr said today that most kids born with this out grown it by the age of 2, if they are going to outgrow it. Since picasso is already 2 and his thumbs have never unlocked he is going to have the surgery. The surgery in and of it self seems really simple. The Dr. said it would take about 15 minutes for each thumb. They simply go in and cut a small whole in the tendon so that it can have room to move. He said patients only lose about 2 drops of blood. The things that I am worried about is Anstheisa, and then after word. Both of his thumbs will be casted. The dr said that little kids seem to find a way to get the cast off the thumbs really quickly so they have to cast the whole arm to keep things stable. He will have both arms cast for 10 days. So that means I get to spoon feed him and all of that fun stuff. It will not be fun. On the positve side, by getting this taken care of now, he will never have to be frustrated by it because it could be a big problem in learning to write and play sports, anything like that. So tomorrow I call to schedule is surgery. And pray everything turns out ok.


Erin said...

Good luck! I had no idea, I guess that's how bad of a sister I am. Just be glad you have family around to help. Keep me posted

Colin said...

Don't bad things usually happen in sets of three? I'm just curious as to what the third one is going to be. We will keep you all posted as to when the surgery will be, there might even be a blog entry today about it.